3Д принтеры и всё что с ними связано

LERP (Linear Interpolation of Quaternions)

LERP (Linear Interpolation of Quaternions)

Figure 2.9 A 2D representation of what SLERP and LERP do. SLERP interpolates along the arc of the circle, whereas LERP interpolates along a straight line from start to finish.

Linear interpolation is by far the easier of the two methods. Figure 2.10 shows the formula to linearly interpolate two quaternions, called q and p, using an interpolation value of t, which is between zero and one. After performing the operations, you must be sure to convert the resulting quaternion back to a unit quaternion, or the end result will not be what you expect.

LERP(q, p,t) = t(p — q) + q

Figure 2.10 The equation to linearly interpolate (LERP) between two quaternions. The path between the two quaternions will be a straight line.

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